How to Capture Metadata from VirtualDJ into Rocket Broadcaster


Step 1 - Configuring VirtualDJ

First, we need to configure VirtualDJ to write its "Now Playing" metadata to a text file that Rocket Broadcaster can read. There's a plugin a user wrote for VirtualDJ that allows it to do that. This plugin can be found here.

To configure VirtualDJ:

  1. Install the above plugin. You may need to log in to their forums to download it.
  2. Configure the plugin to write a text file using the format "%artist% - %title%". Remember the path to the text file, as we'll need this later.

Step 2 - Configure Rocket Broadcaster Pro

Next, we'll configure Rocket Broadcaster Pro to read the metadata text file that VirtualDJ is now writing.

In Rocket Broadcaster Pro:

  1. Click Broadcast->Metadata Capture in the menu at the top.
  2. Choose the "Text File" tab
  3. Enable "Capture metadata from a text file", and choose the path to the text file that Virtual DJ created.
  4. Click OK to apply your changes.

Rocket Broadcaster should then immediately read the latest Now Playing metadata from Virtual DJ.

Step 3 - Test it

As soon as you complete the Rocket Broadcaster Pro configuration above, you should immediately see metadata from VirtualDJ appear in Rocket Broadcaster under "Now Playing". When VirtualDJ starts playing the next track, you should see this metadata change. The metadata will be automatically sent to your stream(s) as soon as it appears in Rocket Broadcaster.


  • If you don't see the metadata update in Rocket Broadcaster, double check that all your settings match this guide.
  • Check the Rocket Broadcaster log file for clues. (Help->View Log...)
  • Manually check the now playing text file and make sure it contains valid metadata and looks like artist - title. If it's blank or the formatting is incorrect, try checking the VirtualDJ Text2Play plugin configuration.