Page Templates

RSAS includes customizable error page templates which are used to render error pages. By editing these templates, you can customize the branding or language of the errors to be better adapted to your audience.

The default location of the page templates on each platform is: * Linux: /usr/share/rsas/templates * Windows: %APPDATA\Oscillicious\Rocket Streaming Audio Server\templates

CSS and images referenced by the templates are installed into the webroot directory beside templates.

As of RSAS 1.0, the current list of templates is:

  • 400.html - HTTP 400 Bad Request - An API call had invalid or missing parameters.
  • 401.html - HTTP 401 Unauthorized - Used when listener authentication fails.
  • 403_maxlisteners.html - HTTP 403 Max Listeners Reached - Used when the listener limit is reached.
  • 404.html - HTTP 404 Not Found - No source is connected to a mount.
  • 503.html - HTTP 503 Service Unavailable - Used if a fallback is unavailable.
  • icecast-status.html - The Icecast-compatible status page.

Caveat: If you customize these template files, be sure to back them up before upgrading RSAS, as they may be overwritten. In the future, we'll introduce a way to extend these templates without modifying the originals.